Random Fact # 42

Over the past several weeks, I have been cleaning out closets, purging through junk, re-organizing shelves etc in an effort to get ready for Baby F.  Part of this effort included packing up all of my psychology and counseling books and taking them to work. So as I shifted books and bookcases around this past weekend, I had a chance to go through my books and review all of my favorites. 

Random fact # 42 about me – I have an odd collection of books. If you looked on my bookcases, you would find every author from the Dalai Lama to Dave Ramsey. Tittles from The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul to all 7 of the Harry Potter books.  Seriously.  My husband does not get it, but I love my books. In some strange way, they are part of me.  Or at least, they highlight part of me, my thoughts, beliefs, and hopes in the text. 

While I am on the topic of books, can I tell you some of my favorite authors? 

Henri Nouwen is incredible and has great insight into humanity and spirituality.

Irvin Yalom  is a psychotherapist and I love nearly everything he writes. One of my dreams is to hear him speak one day.

Charles Swindoll, Max Lucado and Philip Yancey are all good.  Particularly Philip Yancey.


His book Prayer Does It Make Any Difference?  is a book that I have to read in small portions, line by line at times, to digest all of the information. 

Philip Baker is a pastor at my previous church in Australia. He is an excellent communicator. One of my favorite books he wrote is A Wiseheart. It is not a topic we hear about every day. It is a book worth reading.

Readers are leaders.  Who are your favorite authors?

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